Our 1,800-square-foot outdoor Patio area is dedicated to a special dog named Tommie who died from injuries sustained in a horrific act of abuse in Spring of 2019.
We named the space and commissioned a new mural by local artist Night Owl in honor of Tommie. We honor Tommie by always welcoming four-legged family members to the patio. To further encourage healthy relationships between pets and their owners- why not plan date with them at RCR and we’ll take 10% off your bill.
It’s our way of showing how a community can care for all its creatures. We especially want to recognize the dedication of Richmond Animal Care & Control in the care of Tommie. As well as the countless other animals whose lives they improved and saved.
PRO TIP: Order a TOMMIETAIL Cocktail. A portion of the proceeds will always go to Richmond Animal Care & Control in Tommie’s honor